Common Effort Community

"For a safer and more secure world"

Common Effort 2020

The Hague: 19 – 22 October 2020


“Exploring comprehensive approaches”

Common Effort has reshaped its agenda in 2019 by introducing a three-year regional focus in line with the policy priorities on foreign relations, security and development of Germany and the Netherlands. From 2019 to 2021 Common Effort will focus on the G5 Sahel region, a region that has become a priority in relation to foreign policy, security and development priority for many European countries, including Germany and the Netherlands.

Continuing with the efforts and developments from Common Effort 2019, Common Effort 2020 in The Hague will further focus on the G5 Sahel region. Like Common Effort 2019, there will be a modular program composed of keynote speeches, panel discussions, various modules and the annual High-Level Event. Every aspect of the program will focus on different interrelated sub-themes concerning the G5 Sahel area, such as youth and women empowerment, security, climate influence on demography, education and development.

The aim of the Common Effort Community is to closely coordinate with local and international stakeholders, especially with out partners from the G5 Sahel, in order to avoid duplication and create synergies with new and existing initiatives. Not only during annual Common Effort weeks but also in between the events. Thus, if you have any ideas, initiatives, updates or upcoming events please feel free to reach out to the Common Effort Community.

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